Group Discussion Topic :does India Need A Dictator?

India is a democratic country which has done well to make sure that we do not fall backwards on the wheel of time.With the advancement of science we have progressed after our independence and now the world looks upon us as a country to look at.

India had the sense to follow the democratic set up of leadership after our independence while many countries went other paths.North Korea in fact have a dictator ship true even now, Iraq had a dictator in Saddham Hussain until Americans over threw him.But our very neighbor china has gone behind the communist setup.

The question here is does India need a dictatorship? That would mean that the present system followed by India is faulty.Well let us what all are the defects that are plaguing the democratic setup of India.


Indian bureaucracy is definitely one of the slowest, the decision making power in the country has too many layers which make it impossible to get a decision done quickly.There are many case still pending in Indian judicial system that can be said to be dating back to around 15 years.

Hence what happens is the fast development of the country is delayed.


Corrupting officers increases more in the democratic setup due to the slowness in decision making, the officers who are corrupting are well aware that no action will be taken against them strongly an speedily in such a setup.
In many cases these disadvantages have yelled to anarchy like chapplas being thrown at ministers and wide spread protests in the country.

India have witnessed such uprisings many times.Recently the Anna Hazare episode where the whole country emerged to take reigns against the government is an example of how the people agitations can be caused by the corruption and slowness into democratic forms of government.

Article Written by winnerjose

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